Determining the Difference Between Dizziness and Vertigo

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People often use the term dizziness to refer to a number of different conditions, such as vertigo or disequilibrium. It is important to learn what type of dizziness one is experiencing so as to best explain it one’s healthcare provider. We are going to take a closer look at dizziness and vertigo and see what each of these mean and how to find help for them.


Dizziness vs. Vertigo

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

  • Dizziness is described as feeling  lightheaded or as if one might pass out. It is not uncommon to have nausea also accompany dizziness.
  • Vertigo is a spinning sensation. The person may feel as if he is spinning or it may seem as if the room and the things around him are spinning. Simply put,  it is the feeling of movement when there is none. Unlike the popular film of the same name, vertigo is not a fear of heights (referred to as acrophobia).

Now the question remains: how does one cope with dizziness, and is there any way to get rid of it?


Help for Those Suffering from Dizziness

Almost everyone has had a spell of dizziness at one time or another. This is generally harmless until it becomes a regular occurrence. Then it is vital to find out if there is something causing the dizziness. Interestingly, an underlying cause of dizziness is often due to misaligned bones in the upper cervical region. Thankfully, this is something that can be easily corrected by seeking the care of a specialist.

Here at Precision Spine Specialists in Brentwood, TN, we offer our patients a pain-free alternative to help them cope with dizziness. It involves special x-rays to locate the exact location of the misalignment. We then use a gentle method that allows the bones to move back into place naturally rather than forcing them by cracking or popping the neck. Once adjusted, the damage is repaired and the pressure placed on the brainstem by the misalignment is removed. This allows the body to communicate better about where it is located in its environment. The end result is often an improvement in dizziness.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Hall, call our Brentwood office at 615-488-7891 or just click the button below.

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