7 Questions to Ponder if You Suffer from Neck Pain

7-questions-to-ponder-if-you-suffer-from-neck-painNeck pain is a common ailment, and while it may go away as quickly as it started, for some patients this is a recurring and chronic issue. If that is the kind of neck pain that you are dealing with here are some questions to think about. They may help lead you to a natural way to find genuine neck pain relief.

Some Questions that Causes Neck Pain

#1 When Is the Last Time You Had a Glass of Water?

Does that sound like a funny question for someone with neck pain? Hydration is vital for many parts of the body, and the discs that separate the vertebrae are included. These spongy discs are mostly made up of water, so staying properly hydrated may be the key to reducing neck pain.

#2 Do You Work in an Office?

Technology is at the heart of many neck issues. The office is one place where posture suffers, leading to chronic neck pain. Make sure that you are sitting in a chair with plenty of support and that the monitors you need to look at are kept at eye level. Also, if you need to keep your hands free while on the phone, use speakerphone or a Bluetooth headset rather than holding the phone between your ear and shoulder.

#3 Are You Using the Right Pillow?

Sleep position and pillow type go hand-in-hand. If you sleep on your back, you need a softer pillow. Propping your head up too much will leave you in a forward head position all night. When you sleep on your side, you need a slightly firmer pillow. The broader your shoulders, the more you will have to be propped up in order for your head not to be tilted toward the bed all night. Just be sure not to overcorrect and have your head tilted the other way. If you sleep on your stomach, check out question four.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and neck pain, download our free e-book by clicking the image below.

Brentwood neck pain relief

#4 Is Your Neck Often Sore in the Mornings?

If you find that you are waking up with a stiff or sore neck, the problem is likely either your pillow type or your sleep position. Stomach sleeping is the worst for your neck. Imagine walking around for half the day with your head turned to the side. You wouldn’t be surprised to be in pain after that. And yet, if you sleep on your stomach, this is exactly what you are doing all night. You can’t breathe with your face in the pillow, so your head has to be turned to the side all night long. Practice sleeping on your side or back until it begins to feel natural and you may see a significant decrease in pain.

#5 What Kind of Bag Do You Carry?

Most of carry a bag whether it be a backpack, purse, messenger bag, or another style. However, your bag can have a major effect on your posture and your neck in several ways. First of all, there is weight to consider. Try not to overload your bag. The heavier the weight, the greater the effect on your posture will be. Second, try to distribute the weight evenly. A heavy bag on one shoulder can throw the neck out of alignment rapidly. If you do have to carry a bag over one shoulder, carry it as high as possible rather than using a long strap and carrying it at waist level.

#6 How Often Do You Check Your Mobile Phone?

We live in a mobile age, and we use the phone for everything from making calls and texting to staying connected on social media and checking the time. You may not even realize how often you pull the phone out of your pocket or bag just to give it a quick glance. However, your neck is sure to notice. Looking down at an angle of 60 degrees increases the amount of strain on the neck by approximately 500%. Doing that over and over throughout the day can lead to serious long-term effects on the vertebrae and supporting soft tissue.

#7 Have You Had Your Upper Cervical Alignment Checked Recently?

The upper cervical spine consists of the top two bones in the neck. Responsible for balancing the skull and for more than half of the movement of the head, a misalignment in this area can certainly lead to long-term neck problems, even if the misalignment is very slight. How can you know if this is your issue and find safe and gentle relief for the problem?

At Precision Spine Specialists in Brentwood, TN, we use the NUCCA method to precisely identify and correct upper cervical misalignments. Low-force corrections are safe and gentle. There is no popping or cracking of the spine in order to get results. This makes NUCCA a safe way to find neck pain relief regardless of your age or level of health.

Precise x-rays are used to calculate an adjustment that is unique to you. This is just one of the many ways that upper cervical chiropractic care sets itself apart and provides unique benefits to patients. If you suffer from chronic or recurring neck pain, this is the natural option for you.

To learn more, give us a call today at 615-488-7891. You can also submit our online contact form to take advantage of a special offer of a free 15-minute consultation. We look forward to meeting you and helping you to reach your health and wellness goals.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Hall, call our Brentwood office at 615-488-7891 or just click the button below.

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If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com

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1800 Mallory Lane, Suite A2
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027

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7:30 – 4:30
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We utilize a gentle, precise and extremely effective approach known as Upper Cervical Care to help our patients find fast relief, maximum recovery and long-lasting results.

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1800 Mallory Lane, Suite A2
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027

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Monday:  7:30 – 5:00
Tuesday:  7:30 – 5:00
Wednesday: Closed
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