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8 Lifestyle Changes You Can Do to Improve Your Migraines


Do you belong to the 39 million Americans suffering from migraines? You are probably searching for natural ways to improve your condition without relying on over-the-counter pain medication. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to relieve your head pain. By doing some simple lifestyle changes and self-care at home, you can reduce the frequency and severity of your head pain. This article will discuss all of those, and near the end I will reveal a natural therapy that has been providing relief for many migraine patients. A TN migraine chiropractor like me can facilitate this natural migraine pain relief.


Improving Your Migraines Through Lifestyle Changes 

There are several things you can do at home to manage your head pain effectively. Apply these lifestyle modifications to see improvements in your migraine episodes. 

  • Be aware of your medication use

You may need to change your prescription medication, but before you do, consult your doctor. Note that the over-the-counter (OTC) medicines for head pain have various side effects. Too much medication can do more harm than good. Taking OTC pain relievers may cause rebound headaches, and may turn your occasional into daily or chronic migraines. 

  • Practice positive stress management

The leading trigger for migraines is stress. However, many people cope through negative mechanisms like alcohol and cigarette consumption. Both can increase the frequency of your head pain. It is best to find positive ways to deal with stress, such as through exercise or other worthwhile hobbies. 

  • Consider an exclusion diet

Migraines may follow if you eat foods you are sensitive to. An exclusion diet may help if you have a food sensitivity. This diet involves excluding all the possible triggers out of your diet, including gluten, dairy, etc., and then slowly returning them to your diet one by one to see if your health weakens when you begin to eat a specific food again. If you discover your sensitivity to a certain food, cut it out of your diet immediately. 

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

  • Avoid fasting

If you live with chronic head pain, fasting shouldn’t be an option for you. Skipping even one meal may trigger your next attack. This is also applicable to people who get busy and don’t eat breakfast or lunch. Do not miss a meal as it may lead to missing a whole day of work tomorrow. 

  • Don’t sleep in

Another thing that may trigger is changes to sleeping patterns. That’s why it is essential to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. This includes weekends and holidays. Avoid sleeping in to maintain your sleep schedule. You will be amazed with your productivity during those early morning hours in your house. You may find your days off even more enjoyable.

  • Maintain good posture

Always pay attention to your posture, whether you’re at the office, driving in the car, or sleeping. People often overlook one factor that affects their migraines – their neck! There is a connection between the spinal health and migraines. In fact, as many as 75% of migraine patients experience neck pain.

  • Prevent bruxism

The habit of grinding your teeth (bruxism) can also result in migraines. Bruxism is often stress-related and may occur while you’re asleep. To avoid it, your dentist may recommend you wear a custom-fit mouthguard until you fix the problem. The one-size fits all mouthguards in the pharmacy are not as effective.

  • Avoid sensory overstimulation

Migraine patients are hypersensitive to loud noises, bright lights, and strong odors. If you must be in a place with very loud and repetitive noise, wear headphones. When you’re outdoors, always wear your sunglasses. Don’t use a lot of perfume or cologne, and choose natural products for your cleaners at home. These are just some strategies to avoid sensory overstimulation, which can lead to head pain.

Apply these lifestyle changes and self-care tips to prevent head pain episodes. I also advise you start jotting down your activities in a journal to learn your personal triggers. Doing so can save you from having to make all these adjustments. For example, if you discover stress and skipping meals are your primary triggers, then those two lifestyle adjustments might be all you need to make.

If you prefer other ways to relieve and reduce your migraine episodes, upper cervical chiropractic care is another option. It is a natural therapy that has helped thousands of migraine patients in case studies and various practices here in the US and around the world.

Resolving Migraines Through Upper Cervical Chiropractic

A misalignment (also known as subluxation) in the uppermost bone in the neck (the atlas) can have a negative impact on the central nervous system and cause migraines. When the atlas misaligns, it can result in three things:

  • restriction of blood flow to the brain
  • disturbance in proper drainage of the cerebrospinal fluid
  • malfunction of the brainstem

So, how can you get natural relief from such a subluxation and get rid of your migraines?

Upper cervical chiropractic focuses on the atlas since it is the most delicate part of the upper cervical spine. The gentle and accurate adjustment technique restores the proper atlas alignment. Upper cervical chiropractors like me have one goal – to restore the correct atlas alignment safely and effectively. Once this happens, you can expect fewer and less severe migraine attacks, just like what most patients in case studies have experienced. Some of them were even migraine-free after a few months of receiving upper cervical chiropractic care. 

To learn more about this unique method, schedule an appointment with Precision Spine Doctors in Brentwood, Tennessee. A TN migraine chiropractor like me may have the solution to your migraines.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Hall, call our Brentwood office at 615-488-7891 or just click the button below.

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