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Learn Why You Have Neck Pain: 9 Questions To Ask


Many patients highly seek neck pain relief in Brentwood TN. Neck pain is the fourth leading reason for disability. Most people think that it is a fact of their lives and just accepted it as part of their fate. However, some are optimistic and always on the lookout for better ways of dealing with their neck pain. 


Some Factors That Can Be Contributing To Your Neck Pain


#1. Do You Always Carry A Heavy Bag Over One Shoulder?

Neck pain does not happen suddenly. Some neck pains occur over time due to the constant carrying of heavy things over one shoulder. If you need to bring your purse or bag over one shoulder, then at least minimize what you carry inside the workbag. Also, let the other shoulder take turns to let the other relax.

Solution: Use a backpack to bring your everyday carry items (EDC) so that you can use both straps on both shoulders to distribute the weight evenly and prevent neck pain. 

#2. Is Your Personal Computer Positioned At Your Eye Level? 

In most cases, people work with their PCs and laptops incorrectly or at least wrong ergonomically. How so? Most monitors and laptops are used too low. Meaning you have to slouch or bow down a bit to work. It's a terrible position for your spine and neck, primarily when you work extended periods, most often without rest or doing any stretching.

Solution: At the desk for your PC, stack up a few old books beneath the monitor screen and bring it up to your eye level. For laptop users, put your laptop on a table, not on your lap. Position the monitor at your eye level. Then, use a separate external keyboard and mouse to work. A Bluetooth keyboard and a wireless mouse would work great for this. 

#3. Are You Properly Hydrated? 

Drinking enough water daily is beneficial for various reasons. Sufficient water intake ensures that the discs in each vertebra in your spine get nourished and hydrated. The discs in your neck would remain healthy, flexible, and durable if you just drink adequate water every day.

Solution: You should drink at least eight glasses of water each day to get neck pain relief in Brentwood TN. 

#4. Do You Often Sleep On Your Stomach? 

People who prefer to sleep with their stomachs are prone to complain about regular neck pains. Why does this happen? Stomach sleeping is particularly tough on the neck since the head is positioned awkwardly to one side for long periods while sleeping.

Solution: In general, sleeping on your back is the best position. It allows your neck to rest comfortably in a neutral or relaxed position. Side sleeping is also excellent, so long as your pillow is at the proper height, which stops your head and neck from turning or bending to either side. 

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and neck pain, download our free e-book by clicking the image below.

Brentwood neck pain relief

#5. Is Your Pillow The Proper Thickness?

The correct pillow for you depends on your preferred sleeping position. As discussed earlier, sleeping on your stomach is bad for you due to the neck issues it will cause.

Solution: Those who sleep on their backs require a thinner pillow with a “bump” on the bottom. It brings proper support to the natural curve of the neck. The cushion should not be too thick that it forces the neck to flex forward. Side sleepers should keep their neck, head, and spine aligned straight with a pillow between knees that gives ample support. 

#6. Do Use Your Mobile Device Too Much?

The ever-present use of technology nowadays, especially mobile technology, has caused various health problems. People use their mobile phones every day for prolonged periods, and this behavior has given rise to growing neck pain concerns. Most individuals are guilty of texting or playing games with their phones by looking downward at their phones for prolonged periods. 

Adding this position over time, can be the cause of extensive wear and tear on the ligaments, joints, and discs in your neck that can lead to pain and degeneration. 

Solution: Always bring the device (mobile phone, tablet, gaming gadget) up to your eye-level to reduce tension and strain on your neck, shoulders, and back. 

#7. Do You Cradle The Phone Between Your Head and Neck?

When your work requires you to spend most of your time on the phone, you may put the phone between your head and neck to keep your hands free to do other tasks. This awkward position is the reason why you are having neck pains. It puts a lot of tension on your shoulders and neck, especially when you do it for prolonged periods.

Solution: Use an earpiece or headset. It will keep your hands free and your neck and spine free from tension and doing awkward positions. Thus, it saves you from any associated neck pain and other problems.

#8. Do You Always Use Correct Posture? 

Bad posture significantly contributes to your neckache. Specific positions include:

  • Head slouched downward
  • Rounded shoulders
  • Head poked forward

Bad posture causes a lot of health issues including, back and neck pain. When the head starts to slant forward, the neck needs to strain and clench to maintain your head in an upright position. When you do this for prolonged periods, you can imagine the pressure and stress that the spine and neck are experiencing from the lousy posture. Thus, it leads to chronic neck pain and other health issues.

Solution: If you look at your posture from the side using a mirror, the opening of your ear must be directly above the top part of the shoulder. When you sit down, avoid slouching. Instead, keep your spine straight, chest out, and stomach in. When you sleep, choose the proper positions already mentioned above.

#9. Did You Have Your Spinal Alignment Checked?

By now, you may have known the importance of keeping a proper posture. It means you can maintain overall health and wellbeing. Let’s take it a step further. Is your spinal alignment at its best?

The health of the neck and how well it can function will depend on how well it is aligned. Normal alignment helps with maintaining good posture, sleeping better, and relieving other neck pain-related issues.  

A particular misalignment in the top bones of the neck can frequently lead to neck pain and other problems throughout the entire body. If the C1 and C2 vertebrae misalign, since they directly carry the head, it causes the rest of the spine to shift for compensation. When this happens, it irritates the nerves and muscles of the neck, which can lead to neck pain.

Solution: Come and visit us at Precision Spine Specialists. Get neck pain relief in Brentwood TN with the help of upper cervical chiropractic care. This method focuses on alleviating neck pain and other health-related issues by correcting the primary cause of the pain instead of just dealing with symptoms. Call us at 615-488-7891 or contact us through this link.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Hall, call our Brentwood office at 615-488-7891 or just click the button below.

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