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Managing TMJ Disorder: 3 Coping Tips for Relief

Have you ever felt pain in your jaw? Are you suddenly having a hard time chewing food? Perhaps you might have heard a popping sound or experience stiffness whenever you speak.

Around this time every year, a few days after all the trick-or-treat activities during Halloween, many children and adults in Tennessee go to a Brentwood TMJ chiropractor to get some pain relief.  Biting on all that hard candy and cookies, they suddenly experience face, neck, and jaw pain. 

Some have that unpleasant experience for a few minutes. Others realize that the pain will not go away quickly and need to consult a health care provider. It comes as no surprise when the person in pain is suffering from a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder.


What is TMJ Disorder?

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorder refers to any difficulty in moving your lower jaw. It may also involve pain across the face or any joints that connect your jawline to your skull.

The temporomandibular joint itself can be felt on your face by placing your fingers near the ears. As you open your mount, you will feel the joint moving, as well.  Whenever you open your mouth, the rounded end of the jaw called condyles also glide along with the temporal bone socket. Your temporal bones are on each side of the skull, and they enclose the inner and middle parts of your ears.

A person who has TMJ disorder may also have the following signs and symptoms:

  • Stiffness 
  • Locking
  • A shift in the alignment of the upper or lower teeth ( malocclusion)
  • Neck pain 

If you have experienced these signs and symptoms, you might have a TMJ disorder. If you live in Tennessee, a Brentwood TMJ chiropractor might offer some all-natural and safe ways to relieve the pain. 

According to a study by the University of California San Francisco, this type of face, jaw, and neck pain affects at least 10 million people in the United States. It is, by no means, an isolated case or pain that afflicts only a few people.  

When left on its own, this disorder could worsen and leave a person in more pain.  In fact, TMJ disorder can even be so uncomfortable that people miss valuable time working or going to school.  

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and TMJ, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Brentwood neck pain relief

Are You at Risk of Getting TMJ disorder?

You may be at risk of developing TMJ disorder if you have:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Chronic teeth clenching
  • High stress levels

Based on studies, 90 percent of all patients with TMJ disorder are female and between 18 and 45 years old.  Women are more prone to the disorder, possibly due to hormone-related issues.


3 Easy Ways to Soothe TMJ Pain

To help prevent this disorder, consider following these tips:

  • Avoid Stress

Stress is a killer, quite literally.  Work-related pressures compounded by personal issues and even everyday challenges like heavy traffic, irate bosses or co-workers, and financial concerns can build up and lead to anxiety and disease.

At the physical, psychological, and emotional level, the distress accumulated over time can disrupt a person’s sleep, sense of well-being, and overall health. In fact, research done by Johns Hopkins University reveals that people with chronic stress may also develop mental illness if not positive intervention is done.  For every Brentwood TMJ chiropractor, it is not unusual to hear of people experiencing a lot of stress and also happen to suffer from neck, face, and jaw pain.    

A good way to prevent the disorder is to manage stress levels. How do you do that? The most important key is to maintain a positive mindset. While it is impossible to feel happy every day, making oneself resilient to the emotional roller coaster of life is not just sound advice but also a must-do for everyone.

Practical ways to avoid stress include:

  • Separate work time from personal or family time. Work diligently during office hours, whether this is at the worksite or if you work from home. Work-life balance is essential.
  • Join a yoga or meditation class. Another option is to search Youtube for “follow along” yoga tutorials or guided meditations. Best of all, it’s free!
  • Ask help if you need it. Don’t be afraid to ask a friend or family member for assistance when times are “rough.” 
  • Relieve Tension

The next step is to find ways to relieve physical tension. Besides yoga, meditation, and good communication with people, you can also go straight to the possible root of the pain: a bone misalignment. A Brentwood TMJ chiropractor can help provide relief by setting the bone structures around your skull and jaw. 

An adjustment in your neck area may also be done if found necessary. All this will be fast and gentle, leading you to a more relaxed state with little to no tension left in the head, face, and neck.

  • Do Jaw Exercises

The third and last tip is to try a few jaw exercises. Here are a few simple ways to exercise and help relieve pain from TMJ disorder:

  • Chin Tucks - With your shoulders and back held back and straight, do a chin tuck by creating a “double chin” as you nod and hold your head forward. In the forward position, hold your head and chin downwards for three to four seconds before lifting them to a normal, front-facing position. Do at least ten repetitions of the chin tuck.
  • Goldfish - On the side where you feel pain, place one finger on the top of the jawline. Using your other hand, put another finger on your chin. Stick your tongue on the roof of your mouth. In a slow but controlled way, open and close your mouth with the finger on your chin, offering a slight and manageable resistance.  Feel the movement of your jaw and mandible as you open and close your mouth. Do six repetitions of opening and closing your mouth to make one set. Perform the Goldfish exercise at least three to six sets daily, at different times of the day.
  • Tongue Touch - As a simple variation that combines elements of the chin tuck and goldfish exercise, simply touch the roof of your mouth with your tongue. Keep your tongue in position as you slowly open and close your mouth. Do at least 7 to 15 repetitions.

There are other ways to get relief from TMJ-related pain. You can also buy a mouthguard from the local pharmacy or dentist to prevent teeth clenching, especially when you are fast asleep. You can also smile and flex your jaws to stretch the muscles underneath your cheeks and jawline.

Aside from unlearning the myths, take the crucial step of seeing an upper cervical chiropractor, or call us at 615-488-7891 to get more information about natural pain-relief options for you and your family.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Hall, call our Brentwood office at 615-488-7891 or just click the button below.

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