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Migraine Triggers: Do Colored Lights Worsen or Reduce Migraines?


One of the known triggers of migraines for most people is bright, flashing light. If you are suffering from migraines, you have probably been warned by your doctor about it. Bright lights are said to make migraines come about and with stronger intensity. However, recent research has revealed that not all lights worsen migraines. We will discuss more details of the results of the study in this article. First, let us dive into the basics of migraines.

What Are Migraines?

Migraines are a condition characterized by a pulsating headache that usually affects one side of the head. The pain may be very intense and cause sufferers to feel as if they need to lie down in a cold, dark room until it goes away. A headache is just one of the symptoms of migraines and does not always have to occur for a migraine to happen. Other symptoms associated with migraines include the following:

  • Extreme sensitivity to sound, light, and certain odors
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Aura or a visual disturbance (blurry vision, odd patterns, or blind spots) or sensory changes (a funny smell or taste)

Migraine attacks usually last from 4 to 24 hours. Chronic migraines happen more than 15 days in a month.

What Causes Migraines?

The particular cause of migraines is still unknown among doctors and healthcare providers. The popular theory in the recent past was that migraines were caused by a problem with the blood vessels in the brain. However, new research has discovered that the problem begins in the central nervous system. When a a person experiences certain migraine triggers, several neurological reactions start to occur. The trigeminal nerve, the largest nerve in the head, is sensitized by these changes, and this can effect the occurance of migraines.

Risk Factor of Migraines

There are some risk factors related to migraines:

  • Gender: Women are prone to migraines three times more often than men.
  • Genetics: If one or both of your parents have migraines, you are at a higher risk by 50% to 70%.
  • Hormonal changes: Women who are pregnant or on their period can develop migraines due to fluctuating hormones.
  • Obesity

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Triggers of Migraines

Triggers are things that bring on migraines. Triggers differ for every person. Learning and avoiding your personal triggers can help you dodge a bullet that is a migraines episode. Some of the known triggers of migraines are listed below:

  • Chocolate
  • Citrus fruits
  • Foods containing tyramine such as aged cheeses and smoked fish
  • Dairy
  • Food additives like MSG or nitrates
  • Alcohol
  • Too much or too little caffeine
  • Menstruation
  • Strong perfume
  • Stress
  • Flashing lights

To find out a pattern and learn what your personal triggers are, it helps to keep a diary and write down your activities, food you ate, and stress levels experienced up to two days before a migrain episode.

Certain Colored Lights Help Reduce Migraines

As mentioned in the beginning, it is a widespread belief that bright lights bring about migraines and make them much worse. But a recent study has claimed that not all light affects migraines badly. The Harvard Medical School researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center learned that when people with migraines were exposed to four different colors green, blue, amber, and red their reactions were different. The blue and red lights made their migraines much worse, while the green light reduced their migraines by 20%. The patients described the green light as relaxing or calming, making them feel happy. The other colors made them feel upset and anxious.

This is good news for those with migraines. However, special light bulbs are not typical and might cost a lot of money, making them inaccessible for most people. Migraine sufferers are left searching for natural relief that does not involve dangerous drugs and unwanted side effects. Where can you find that?

How Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Treats Migraines

A migraine specialist can surely help. Earlier, we mentioned the role of the central nervous system as the source of migraines and how issues within it can begin complications with the trigeminal nerve, resulting in migraines. So, why does this happen?

Upper cervical chiropractors have known for years that migraines are linked to a misalignment in the bones of the upper cervical spine, precisely the C1 and C2 vertebrae. These bones protect the brainstem, a main part of the central nervous system. The brainstem sends and receives signals between the brain and the body.

If bones encompassing the brainstem become misaligned, they can irritate the brainstem and the trigeminal nerve. When either of these things happens, migraines can persist. A misalignment of the atlas or axis vertebrae can put the brainstem under pressure, leading to sending of incorrect signals to the brain. The stress from the misalignment on the trigeminal nerve can aggravate it and result in head pain.

Here at Precision Spine Specialists in Brentwood, Tennessee, we use the NUCCA method. It differs from traditional chiropractic care as we do not twist or pop the spine to get desired results. NUCCA involves light pressure to a specific spot of the neck that helps the bones to realign themselves naturally without forceful adjustments. This results in a longer-lasting adjustment. Once the bones return in their original position, the body begins to heal itself, and the symptoms of migraines begin to disappear. If you live in Tennessee or near the area and are seeking a Tennessee migraine specialist, Precision Spine Specialists is an excellent place to start.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Hall, call our Brentwood office at 615-488-7891 or just click the button below.

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If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

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