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Migraine and Other Types of Headaches That Exist


Headaches and migraine relief in Brentwood, TN is within arm’s reach for many patients, thanks to upper cervical chiropractic. Let’s discuss the different types of headaches that upper cervical chiropractors frequently encounter.


Defining Headaches

Headaches are pain in any spot of your head. They may occur on only one side or both sides of your head. Also, they may happen in a specific part, radiate from one location to another, or contain a vice-like property.

Headaches usually start as a sharp, throbbing pain, or they can appear as achy and dull. They may also appear slowly and gradually worsen. Furthermore, they can come suddenly without warning and last for at least an hour or a few days in duration. For this reason, many wish for headache and migraine relief in Brentwood.


2 Types of Headaches

There are only two main types of headaches. They are known as primary and secondary.

  • Primary Headaches

These are headaches that occur because of issues with your pain-sensitive structures in the head or overactivity. They are not a symptom of a condition. The components that are responsible for causing primary headaches are the following:

  • Chemical activities in the brain
  • The blood vessels or nerves in the skull
  • The muscles of your head and neck
  • A combination of any of these causes

  • Secondary Headaches

These can be a wide array of illnesses that may differ in severity and cause other kinds of headaches. A secondary headache is just a symptom of another disease or condition that activates the head's pain-sensitive nerves.


Migraines and the Other Kinds of Headaches

There are various kinds of headaches. Let’s discuss some of these headaches. In the end, we will show you a tried and tested, natural and gentle method of achieving headache and migraine relief in Brentwood.

Let’s check out these other headache types:

1. Migraines

These are severe headaches often seen among women. Women have a predisposition to migraines three times more than men. Many believe that genetics may play a role. Also, blood vessel and nerve function, brain cell activity, and chemical imbalances are responsible for migraines. Furthermore, there are common triggers which include the following:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Stress
  • Changes in sleeping and eating habits

2. Tension Headaches

It is the most frequent type of headache and described as a steady aching or constant pressure on both sides of the head. You can also feel this in the neck and at the back of the head. Tension headaches can be chronic. However, they are not usually severe. The following can trigger this headache:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Clenching your jaw
  • Poor posture

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

3. Sinus Headaches

People often mistake sinus headaches to migraines. One study exposed that 88% of those with a history of this headache is most likely to have migraines, not sinus headaches. Here are the symptoms of both migraines and sinus headaches:

  • Sinus pressure
  • Watery eyes
  • Nasal congestion

An actual sinus headache links to an infection and includes a nasal discharge that gets tinged with red or green. To get relief for sinus headaches, it would require antibiotics.

4. Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches occur regularly. It can happen a few times during the day, and over a specific period. Also, these are one-sided headaches that last for 15 minutes to 3 hours. They are so excruciatingly painful. A period of symptom-free and headache-free months or even years follows.

Cluster headaches frequently appear with redness and tearing in one or both eyes. This kind of problem becomes triggered by the following:

  • Alcohol
  • Cigarettes
  • High altitudes
  • Certain foods

5. Early Morning Headaches

People who suffer from sleep apnea experience more headaches in the morning. Also, migraines can happen more frequently in the morning.

6. Dental Headaches

Several dental-related conditions can lead to headaches or face pain. These include the following:

  • Bruxism
  • TMD (Temporomandibular joint disorder)

TMD happens due to improper jaw alignment, arthritis, poor posture (such as sitting at a computer all day), or stress. 

7. Caffeine Headaches

This type of headache happens when you suddenly start drinking more coffee during the day. Also, it has the same effect when you suddenly drink less of it as well. 

8. Rebound Headaches

Have you heard that when a person overuses sinus decongestants, it can make your nose become stuffy instead of cleared up? Rebound headaches are the same in this regard. In other words, using too much medication creates more problems.

Rebound headaches are also known as MOH or medication overuse headaches. Regularly taking any pain relievers such as Advil, Tylenol, or aspirin more than twice a week (for a month) or taking triptans for more than ten days within a month can make you more susceptible to getting rebound headaches or medication overuse headaches.


Precision Spine Specialists For Migraine Relief in Brentwood

Several case studies have proven the success of upper cervical chiropractic in caring for migraines and headaches. There is evidence showing that misalignment in the upper cervical spine's bones may influence if a person gets headaches, migraines, and other health problems. 

These bones, the atlas and axis vertebrae, have special functions. The weight of the head sits on top of the atlas bone. The axis bone protects the brainstem. If the neck bones move out of alignment, the spinal column becomes pressured and stressed. Also, the misalignment acts as a block to the proper flow of blood and cerebrospinal fluid, leaving and entering the brain. All this results in headaches or migraines in people. 

Here at Precision Spine Specialists in Brentwood, TN, our upper cervical chiropractor can help headache and migraine patients find lasting relief. Also, we use a gentle procedure that encourages the misaligned bones to move back into position naturally and painlessly. Numerous upper cervical care patients experience significant results in their migraines and headache symptoms after receiving upper cervical chiropractic care. 

Call us at 615-488-7891 or send us an email to schedule an appointment with us.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Hall, call our Brentwood office at 615-488-7891 or just click the button below.

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