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Possible Risks of Neck Surgery and a Natural Alternative


As a neck pain chiropractor in TN, I’ve seen the many possible risks of neck surgery. It is successful for some patients, but for others it comes with many complications that may only lead to further damage.  

This article will explain the usual causes of neck pain, some of its symptoms, and a natural alternative for pain relief that may help you avoid surgical procedures. After reading this, you should be more informed about the condition you’re faced with and how to deal with it correctly.  

If you’re living around the Brentwood area in Tennessee, you’re guaranteed to receive top-notch care here in our clinic, Precision Spine Specialists.

Primary Causes of Neck Pain

Many daily activities can cause neck pain. You probably won’t even notice some of them, like when you end up slouching at your work desk or lean your head forward while looking at a smartphone. You may be sleeping the wrong way every night, causing you to develop neck pain.  

It could also be tied to your job, like if you’re working in construction and painting a house or doing other overhead tasks.  

Neck pain is also caused by injuries, like whiplash from a car accident or a bad fall. If you play contact sports, those hard impacts may cause severe damage to the neck.  

But there are more severe cases that may lead to neck pain as well. Conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and spinal stenosis are prime examples. The same thing goes for neck infections that go unnoticed and unattended.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and neck pain, download our free e-book by clicking the image below.

Brentwood neck pain relief

Neck Pain Symptoms

The most common symptoms of neck pain come in the form of stiffness, a knot in the affected area, and severe aching. That discomfort tends to radiate in the shoulders, upper back, and arms. In some cases, headaches may ensue.  

Turning the head from side to side can be a real challenge. And if there is pressure on a spinal nerve root, you may feel the pain travel down the arm. Numbness, weakness, and a tingling sensation in the arm may occur.  

If you have chronic neck pain, your daily activities may be significantly affected. Those who experience the worst-case scenarios may also suffer from fatigue, anxiety, and depression.


Risks of Neck Pain Surgery

Many doctors suggest undergoing surgery if the pain is chronic or severe. But before even considering the idea of going under the knife, know the risks involved.  

If done incorrectly, complications around the spine and spinal cord may occur. That, of course, leads to additional damage, which requires more surgery. But here is a list of other possible problems from neck pain surgery:  

Lung problems

Neck pain surgery may lower the level of oxygen in the body because the patient may have to stop doing their normal workouts for a while. That is likely to happen after such an extensive procedure. It is the reason why lungs need to be kept healthy after surgery.  

Avoid these complications by doing deep breathing exercises and coughing periodically. As much as possible, try to sit in an upright position. If you’re in a hospital, seek the help of respiratory therapists.  

Spinal cord injuries

Another byproduct of neck pain surgery is a possible spinal cord injury. And the damage may bear massive repercussions, particularly on the nervous system.  

The spinal cord essentially controls all of the body’s movements. Its nerve fibers spread, forming pairs of nerve roots that pass through tiny openings in the vertebrae. Paralysis may occur once the spinal cord gets damaged.  


This condition occurs when a blood clot forms in a vein. It’s most common in the legs but can occur in other areas of the body. And while these disorders are rare, the clots may cause swelling in the veins of the neck. 

Common symptoms of thrombophlebitis include tenderness, pain, swelling, and redness over the affected skin.  

Complications from anesthesia

Anesthesia is applied to suppress the pain brought on by the surgery. Two types of anesthesia are commonly used: local and general. Local anesthesia is for the exact spot where the operation will take place to numb the skin and nearby tissue. General anesthesia, on the other hand, is meant to make the patient unconscious during a medical procedure.  

Complications may arise during the application of anesthesia, but it happens on rare occasions.  


If the surgical wound becomes swollen, hot, and unable to heal, you’re likely experiencing an infection. These are common after operations, but these are the worst after-effects one may endure. 

Some infections may only occur on the skin or in the surface tissue near the skin. But infections can go deeper to the bone, the spinal cord, and the bloodsteam. A serious infection may require another round of surgeries or the use of strong antibiotics, which may take a toll on your body.


Relieving Neck Pain Through a Non-Surgical Method 

Going for a natural relief option should always be the primary objective when dealing with neck pain. Severe cases may require specific procedures, but it should not be the first choice to make.  

In some instances, misalignments occur on the top bones of the neck, causing pain. This is where upper cervical chiropractic care plays a significant role in providing relief.  

As I’ve previously mentioned in this article, we provide quality services here at Precision Spine Specialists. Our chiropractors use safe and gentle methods to encourage the top two vertebrae to move back into their natural position. We use a gentle technique that is different from the popping and cracking techniques that some traditional chiropractors use.  

So if you’re looking for a neck pain chiropractor in TN, come to Precision Spine Specialists for help. For inquiries, drop us a line or visit our clinic. At the very least, we’ll provide you with some much-needed answers for your condition.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Hall, call our Brentwood office at 615-488-7891 or just click the button below.

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If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

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We utilize a gentle, precise and extremely effective approach known as Upper Cervical Care to help our patients find fast relief, maximum recovery and long-lasting results.

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