Here's Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Headaches After a Car Accident

headaches, car accident, migraine relief in Brentwood TN

You have likely experienced painful or debilitating headaches at some point in your life, right? A lot of people can get headaches for many different reasons. One example - which often goes unnoticed - is neck or head injuries from a car accident. Do you happen to have a history of whiplash, concussion or other similar injuries? If yes, and you have been struggling with migraines and headaches, this guide is perfect for you. Read on as we tackle everything you need to know about headaches after a car accident and what you can do to ensure lasting migraine relief in Brentwood TN.

Why Do You Get Headaches After Car Accidents?

There are different reasons why you can experience headaches following your accident, whether it's a full-blown collision or a fender bender, including whiplash or a head injury. Below are some of the most common types that might be related to your pain. 

  1. Concussion headaches

A sudden and violent jolt or a blow to your head can cause a traumatic brain injury like a concussion which can trigger migraines leading to bouts of headaches and other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and other accompanying symptoms. Longer headaches can be a sign of post-concussion syndrome.

  1. Muscle strain headaches

Trauma can trigger headaches too. When you experience a car accident, the sudden impact can cause soft tissue injuries and cause muscle strain or spasms.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

  1. Whiplash headaches

This is common following a car accident, even minor ones. The sudden forward and backward force can injure your neck muscles and ligaments and strain the soft tissues around it. You can feel headaches from the base of the skull along with other symptoms such as neck pain, stiffness, dizziness, and more. Whiplash can be delayed and manifest physically days or weeks after the incident.

  1. Fracture headaches

Sometimes the impact of a car accident can lead to fractures in the skull or neck and cause intense headaches. Make sure to get yourself checked right away to rule out possible fractures and other possible aftermath after an accident.

  1. Pinched nerve-related headaches

This can happen when there is compression on the roots of your spinal nerve. Car accidents can lead to compression on your nerves; it can be due to soreness of the muscles, disc herniation, or misaligned bones. There are times when pinched nerves can resolve themselves after a few days or weeks, but getting yourself checked is recommended if the symptoms are still happening.

headaches, car accident, migraine relief in Brentwood TN

Long-Term Headache and Migraine Relief In Brentwood TN

If you continuously experience migraine symptoms and headaches after giving your body enough time to rest and recover following the car accident, it can affect your work, relationships, and overall well-being. You may start isolating yourself and end up nursing your pain while days, weeks, or months pass you by. But you can do something to prevent or get ahead of your pain, including getting your spine alignment checked.

Upper Cervical Care is a natural method that helps relieve the pain and symptoms caused by a atlas subluxation or misalignment. Accidents and injuries are common reasons for misalignments in this area, and they do not heal with rest or home remedies but require an expert's help to correct the issue and restore proper alignment and function. Contact our office Precision Spine Specialists and book an appointment to get your upper cervical alignment checked. We can help ease your headaches and other symptoms linked to upper cervical misalignment.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Hall, call our Brentwood office at 615-488-7891 or just click the button below.

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If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

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