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TMJ Pain Treatment: Natural Relief Options + The Best Method


As if enduring chronic temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain isn’t hard enough, now you have to find an effective way to overcome the pain and get long-lasting relief so that you can get back to your everyday life without limitations in your speaking, eating, and sleeping. If you’re looking for a TMJ chiropractor in Brentwood, TN, we’re here to help. 

A TMJ disorder can be debilitating for anyone who suffers from it. We know you may have these questions on your mind, and we will answer them for you in this article. 

  • What causes TMJ pain?
  • Are there home remedies to ease my TMJ pain?
  • What is the best method to alleviate TMJ pain naturally? 


Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

TMJ disorder brings not only jaw pain but also other numerous symptoms such as the following:

  • Clicking, grinding, or popping sound when opening and closing the mouth 
  • Neck stiffness and pain
  • Radiating pain near the neck or ears
  • Inflammation all over the jaw joint 
  • Face pain
  • Restricted jaw movement
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears), earaches, and vertigo
  • Headaches 
  • Difficulty sleeping 

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and TMJ, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Brentwood neck pain relief

Possible Causes of TMJ Disorder

Here are some of the possible reasons for the development of TMJ disorder:

  • Misaligned jaw
  • Bruxism (grinding of the teeth)
  • Arthritis
  • Stress
  • Head or neck trauma 

It is worth noting that some of the root causes of TMJ disorder can have a similar origin. For instance, bruxism can be a result of stress. Arthritis or a misaligned jaw can be due to head or neck trauma. Overall, we can trace many TMJ issues to the same underlying problem: misalignment of the atlas (C1) vertebra. 

One likely reason is that the atlas sits directly between the ears and the TMJ. When a misalignment occurs, the soft tissue within the area shifts to compensate. This helps maintain the balance of the head. However, it has an impact on the jaw, ears, and the facial nerve. It can also affect the brainstem function and the blood flow to the head. All of these can result in the symptoms of TMJ disorder.

Correction of this underlying problem is necessary to attain long-term relief. Before we reveal the best way to fix an upper cervical misalignment, we will share some TMJ pain management tips you can easily follow at home.


Home Remedies and Self-Care Tips to Ease Jaw Pain

There are several ways to get rid of the pain associated with TMJ disorder. It often responds to self-care and home remedies, including the following: 

Rest your jaw

The first way to relieve the pain is to give your jaw a break. Avoid yelling, singing, yawning, or any movement that will stress your jaw further.

Use an ice pack

Ice is the best method to counter inflammation, especially if there is visible swelling of the jaw. Whether mild or severe inflammation, apply an ice pack on the affected part. Just remember to not put the ice pack directly on the skin and never use it for more than 20 minutes at a time. Heat is not advisable for jaw swelling as it can aggravate the inflammation.

Follow a soft food diet

Avoid foods that are hard to chew and instead go for softer foods for a few days. You can try yogurt or scrambled eggs for breakfast. You can also have soup. Rather than eating raw food, cook vegetables and fruits before eating them. Stay away from tough meats, and don’t chew gum.

Practice proper posture

It may seem a far-fetched idea, but posture also matters when it comes to jaw alignment. Postural problems can lead to jaw pain. Make sure your computer monitor is at eye level when you work at your desk so that you avoid adopting a forward head position. Be conscious of your mobile device use, and hold your smartphone or tablet up, so you don’t end up craning your neck. When driving for a long distance, stop at a rest area every hour or two. It’s important not to be stuck in the same position for extended hours to avoid stiffness of the neck. Get out of the car and walk around for a few minutes before continuing. 

Try jaw exercises or massage

There are several stretching exercises you can perform for your jaw. Aside from stretching, you can also massage the TMJ. The TMJ is about an inch in front your ear lobe. Start with a circular motion, going all the way toward the corners of your mouth, and then back to the TMJ. 

Manage your stress

Some people who are under stress tend to clench or grind their teeth, leading to TMJ disorder. To train yourself to stop these bad habits, avoid stress, and learn to manage it properly. Stress is a primary trigger for jaw pain, headaches, and neck pain – all symptoms of TMJ disorder.


The Best Natural Method to Stop TMJ Pain 

The best method to stop TMJ pain is the one that addresses the underlying cause of the problem. For that, you will want to seek upper cervical chiropractic care. It is a niche in the chiropractic profession that specializes in the top two bones in the neck the atlas (C1) and axis (C2).

Upper cervical chiropractors utilize diagnostic imaging to look for and measure any misalignments in each patient. They identify misalignments down to fractions of a millimeter because even a tiny subluxation can have a big impact in the jaw and the rest of the body.

Every adjustment is gentle, accurate, and designed to hold in place for as long as possible. This allows healing of the soft tissue surrounding the TMJ and the spine. The end result is the restoration of the proper jaw and ear position and function.

If you have been complaining of chronic jaw pain, it is time to give upper cervical chiropractic care a try. Contact us here at Precision Spine Specialists in Brentwood, Tennessee.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Hall, call our Brentwood office at 615-488-7891 or just click the button below.

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If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

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We utilize a gentle, precise and extremely effective approach known as Upper Cervical Care to help our patients find fast relief, maximum recovery and long-lasting results.

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1800 Mallory Lane, Suite A2
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027

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