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Vertigo Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment


One of the most commonly known symptoms of vertigo is when a person experiences a spinning sensation while standing still. The experience can be described so differently by each individual it is difficult to diagnose and is often misdiagnosed. For example, dizziness can be confused for a spinning experience. While dizziness is not necessarily a sign of spinning, some vertigo sufferers may very well have this symptom. Learning how to better identify and describe the symptoms can help distinguish between a dizzy spell and actual vertigo.

Understanding the Difference Between Vertigo and Dizziness

The term "dizzy" is applicable in many situations:

  • Vertigo – the confusing experience that you are spinning while you are actually standing still
  • Faintness or feeling lightheaded, can be related to a drop in blood pressure
  • Hyperventilating or being extremely anxious can cause the onset of a dizzy spell
  • Disequilibrium – feeling unstable or likely to lose your balance

If you consult a doctor about any of these symptoms, it is important that you understand the difference and are extremely clear about your symptoms. Your input will have a direct role in how you are treated and in your full analysis. About half of the patients who complain about dizziness actually have vertigo.

5 Surprising Causes of Vertigo and Dizziness

  1. Dehydration – Any time your body is lacking proper amounts of fluids, it can cause a blood pressure drop, resulting in a dizzy spell.
  2. Medications – Some prescriptions have dizziness and vertigo as listed side effects. It is important to double check your medications, and if you are having any of these symptoms to talk, to your doctor about possible options to help alleviate these effects.
  3. Migraines – A surprising cause of spinning is migraines. In fact, nearly 40% of people with migraines also get dizzy or vertigo spells.
  4. Inner Ear Problems – The most common type of vertigo is actually caused from a condition called BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo). The way this occurs is when calcium crystals uproot from the inner ear and travel the ear canal. This can stimulate the many sensors and nerves within the ear that communicate to the brain about body balance, sending misleading signals that give the sensations of vertigo.
  5. Waterbeds or Large Ships – Both of these can give the altered sensation of feeling off balance or dizzy, specifically while disembarking from a ship. This is known as mal de debarquement, and the feeling can last for several months.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Encouraging Results from Natural Care Options for Vertigo

So far, there have not been many successful long-term results from the different vertigo treatments. Some of these care options include diuretics, prescription drugs, various therapies and low-sodium diets. But there is one method of treatment that has seen much success, and it will be discussed later in the this article.

In order to pinpoint a lasting solution, it is important to understand how your body works. How is balance achieved in the body? How do body systems work together for balance? Here is an introduction to the working parts:

  • Vision (sight)
  • Proprioception (touch)
  • The vestibular system (senses motion and spatial orientation, responsible for equilibrium)

These systems work together as a communication network to the brain, and the brain responds with information to help maintain balance. When any of these systems is interrupted or cannot work properly, feelings such as dizziness or vertigo are a likely to follow.

To prevent repetitive episodes of spinning, it is imperative that these systems are able to function at their maximum capacity without interruption. One way to ensure that your systems are functioning as efficiently as possible is to consult an upper cervical chiropractor. The specialized care of the upper spine has helped many sufferers. The two uppermost vertebrae of the spine, the atlas and the axis, can greatly affect the system of nerves that sends signals to the brain, thereby affecting your sense of balance. In fact, these two vertebrae actually protect the brainstem, the junction in which the three vital systems converge. Any time the alignment of the upper part of the spine occurs, it can cause interruptions in the sensory information being communicated. The axis and atlas are also in the direct vicinity of the eustachian tube in the inner ear, a source of many cases of vertigo.

Those suffering with vertigo often have some history of injury that has actually caused an imbalance in the atlas. The injuries vary in their origin from car accidents, sports impacts, or simply slipping and falling. Years may pass without any issues when suddenly vertigo symptoms begin, and the correlation is difficult to discern because of the time that has passed. An upper cervical chiropractor will take a thorough examination, discussing prior injuries to see what may be part of the cause. They use gentle and exact adjustments to restore proper spinal alignment. These carefully administered adjustments hold in place long enough for the muscles and tissue to heal and rebuild. Any time the spine is lined up well, communication improves between the nerves and the brain. This is how upper cervical chiropractic care can provide lasting relief from vertigo symptoms.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Hall, call our Brentwood office at 615-488-7891 or just click the button below.

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