What Type of Headache Do You Have? 6 Possible Options


Many people get the help of a TN migraine chiropractor for their headaches. However, when asked about their condition, very few are sure about the headache type they have. 

How can you tell what kind of headache you are getting? More importantly, is there a great natural solution for headache relief? 

To help my patients understand and determine their conditions, let’s take a look at the different types of headaches and their symptoms. In the end, I will share a method to achieve natural headache relief successfully.

1. Migraines Headaches 

Headaches due to migraines are common. One out of every 6 Americans suffer from migraines, according to a study. Around 90% of migraine attacks involve a severe head pain.

How would you know the head pain you are experiencing is a migraine headache? Here are some factors that can help you tell. Your migraine should fit in at least two of these four criteria. 

  • Pain occurs on just one side of the head 
  • Your headache feels like a throbbing or pulsing sensation 
  • Pain ranges from moderate to severe
  • Your head pain worsens with exertion

On top of all these, migraine go with several other symptoms such as visual disturbances, nausea, sensory sensitivities, and neck pain. Migraines also have different types such as migraine with aura, retinal migraines, and hemiplegic migraines.

2. Tension Headaches 

The most common type of headache, a tension headache feels like a tight band around your forehead. It develops when tension builds up in the neck and shoulders. 

Tension headaches often range from mild to moderate when it comes to pain. Neck pain is often present. Some of the triggers for this type of head pain are poor posture, stress, clenching of the jaw, and anxiety.

3. Chronic Headaches/Migraines

If you experience 15 or more days of headache or migraine symptoms, you have chronic headaches or migraines. Some patients even deal with headaches or migraines daily. As a result, the patient may take more and stronger medication to cope with frequent attacks. This makes the person more prone to get rebound migraines. 

4. Cluster Headaches 

Cluster headaches are rare, yet one of the most severe types. They affect one side of the head. Attacks can last between 15 minutes to three hours. You may experience many headaches per day for a specified period. Then months or years may pass until your next episode of cluster headaches. According to WebMD, men are more likely to get cluster headaches than women. Other symptoms of cluster headaches are runny nose on the affected side of the head and red or watery eyes.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

5. Rebound Headaches 

As mentioned earlier, rebound headaches are the result of medication overuse, often of over-the-counter headache pills. Many people think it is safe to take medications as much as they want. However, taking OTC medicines can lead to rebound headaches and start a vicious cycle. 

You take the medication more regularly since your migraines are more frequent, but the meds are actually increasing the attacks. 

If you suspect this is your case, take my piece of advice: remove the medicine out of your system by not taking them for a couple of weeks. Then, assess if you experience fewer head pain. If you think your doctor’s prescribed medication is causing your migraines, seek advice from him or her before switching your medication.

6. Sinus Headaches 

One of the main symptoms of sinus is a runny or stuffy nose. However, this can also be a symptom of migraines. A study showed that 88% of people confused their migraines for sinus headaches. 

A sign that your head pain is a sinus headache and not migraine is the presence of discolored discharge from your nose instead of a clear mucus. Antibiotics may also help in getting rid of a sinus headache, but antibiotics will not relieve migraines.


A Trusted TN Migraine Chiropractor

Natural relief for migraines is possible and more accessible than you might think. You can depend on Precision Spine Specialists for it. It is a high-rated practice in Brentwood, Tennessee. 

It is no coincidence that neck pain often goes hand in hand with headaches and migraines. This is because misalignments in the neck often result in soreness or stiffness and many migraine types. The topmost bones of the neck (C1 and C2) are crucial in the function of the brainstem and the flow of blood that reaches and leaves the brain. 

In short, if you complain of chronic head pain or migraines, we urge you to consider and choose upper cervical chiropractic care. This can benefit anyone, and especially those who have a history of neck or head trauma. 

This focused form of chiropractic mainly addresses C1 and C2 misalignments with precision and extreme gentleness. It concentrates on these bones as they have the most influence on the nervous system, where most migraines originate.  

Upper cervical chiropractic uses x-rays and measurements to locate and correct the misalignments. This makes it an accurate and safe form of care for people of all ages. 

To start receiving this natural therapy, schedule a no-obligation consultation with me. Call 615-488-7891 or fill out this contact form.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Hall, call our Brentwood office at 615-488-7891 or just click the button below.

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If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com

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We utilize a gentle, precise and extremely effective approach known as Upper Cervical Care to help our patients find fast relief, maximum recovery and long-lasting results.

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