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When Severe TMJ Disorder Becomes a Burden

TMJ Disorder, TMJ relief in Brentwood

The temporomandibular joint is a vital joint located in our head. It connects the lower jaw to the skull. A disorder in this region can cause soreness and tightness in the jaw and face. When left untreated, pain and other symptoms can linger and become worse. Unfortunately, it may disrupt many areas of your life. 

The pain that severe TMJ disorder brings to your jaw and face can be intensely agonizing. It is even worse when you don’t know where to run to for TMJ relief in Brentwood. 

This blog will discuss the common effects of TMJ disorder in your everyday life. In addition, we will also introduce you to a natural and life-changing TMJ relief—one that can turn pain into comfort and joy.

Makes eating so hard

Many of us take the simple act of chewing or eating for granted. Unfortunately, these normal parts of our everyday routine don’t come easy for people with severe TMJ disorder. Eating can cause them debilitating pain—even eating crusty bread can cause their symptoms to flare up!

The sad thing is, many patients with TMJ disorder intentionally avoid eating to get away from the pain. But, unfortunately, unhealthy eating behavior can lead to weight loss and other health problems. 

Wrecks your mood 

The exhausting pain and discomfort given by severe TMJ disorder can cause emotional and psychological problems. The need to find TMJ relief in Brentwood can cause severe stress to any individual, especially when relief seems nowhere to be found. This is why people with TMJ disorder often experience mood fluctuations, emotional instability, depression, anxiety, and cognitive problems. 

Destroys your confidence 

The pain and other symptoms of severe TMJ disorder can affect your overall perception of life. This painful and challenging phase of your life can diminish your confidence. As a result, you may think and do everything with fear. 

For example, you may fear that the simple acts of chewing, drinking, laughing, and talking with loved ones at a party can cause your TMJ pain to flare up. Lack of confidence also results in stress and other emotional disturbances. 

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and TMJ, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Brentwood neck pain relief

Messes up your sleep pattern

TMJ symptoms can significantly affect your sleep pattern. Daytime stress may cause your symptoms to flare up at night. Not only that, but your sleeping position can also trigger the debilitating symptoms of severe TMJ disorder. Even the simple act of yawning can be painful and can leave you sleepless throughout the night. 

These problems may result in insomnia. Insomnia is like a silent lion, ready to devour every aspect of your life, including memory, weight, concentration, relationships, mood, emotions, digestions, etc. 

The less you sleep, the worse your pain will be, and vice versa. If your TMJ pain is left untreated, you will continue to fall into this same cycle over and over again. 

Makes you so tired

If you have severe TMJ disorder, simple jaw movements can put extra stress on the joints and muscles of your jaw, neck, and face. This stress can lead to physical exhaustion or fatigue. Often, people with TMJ disorder avoid jaw movements to prevent pain. As a result, their jaw joint becomes weak. So, when they try to move their TMJ, they can quickly feel ultimate fatigue. 

Reduces productivity

Whether you are a student or a worker, severe TMJ disorder can affect the quality of your tasks. It is because the pain can largely impact your performance. For example, you cannot focus on fulfilling a task after eating your lunch at the cafeteria, or you cannot finish discussing your homework because talking is too much for your jaw.  

Gets in the way of your relationship

The painful and bothering symptoms of severe TMJ disorder can lead to fear, frustration, and withdrawal from certain relationships. Moreover, your interactions with friends, family, spouse, romantic partner or therapist can alter due to your emotional problems and physical limitations. 

With severe TMJ disorder, communicating with loved ones can become difficult. For example, you spend less dinner time with them due to the fear of experiencing another painful episode while eating. In addition, other patients often don’t seek TMJ relief in Brentwood because they don’t want to burden others. 

Forming a better and stronger relationship should be a part of your pain management process. There’s nothing better than having a solid support system that can be there for you on the road to recovery. 

Leaves you feeling guilty

You always think of ways to be a better person, friend, child, parent, or employee if it weren’t for your TMJ disorder. This makes you feel guilty about every single thing, which leads to emotional exhaustion, stress, and increased pain.


Effective Care That Results in Lasting TMJ Relief in Brentwood

Severe TMJ disorder can take a toll on your overall quality of life. Unfortunately, it doesn’t go away on its own. The more you run away from it, the more it chases you and affects every aspect of your life.

Now’s the time to face it and resolve it!

We want to introduce you to our team here at Precision Spine Specialists, an upper cervical chiropractic care provider in Brentwood, Tennessee. We offer NUCCA chiropractic care, a natural relief option that addresses upper neck misalignments. Our chiropractors use a gentle, precise, and safe method to restore the top two bones of your neck to their original positions. As a result, you will feel relief from your severe TMJ symptoms, and you get to live a better life again.

If you’re looking for safe TMJ pain relief, visit us for quality help. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Hall or Dr. McClellan by calling 615-488-7891.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Hall, call our Brentwood office at 615-488-7891 or just click the button below.

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If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

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We utilize a gentle, precise and extremely effective approach known as Upper Cervical Care to help our patients find fast relief, maximum recovery and long-lasting results.

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Brentwood, Tennessee 37027

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