4 Mistakes You Should Avoid If You Have Vertigo

Brentwood vertigo chiropractor

If you have vertigo, it feels like the world is spinning. Your mind is racing, your body feels weak and tired, and even the smallest tasks can feel like a huge undertaking. The good news is that there are many ways to relieve or reduce your vertigo attacks. First, you can start by knowing the common mistakes people with vertigo often make. Then, you can try seeking help from a  Brentwood vertigo chiropractor. Learn how you can potentially eliminate your spinning sensations with our discussion on the usual mistakes of our patients with vertigo-causing conditions.

#1. Failing to avoid or address the cause of your vertigo

People with vertigo often do this because they don't want to accept that something is wrong with them. They may be in denial regarding the seriousness of their condition and how it limits their life activities. Some feel embarrassed about having a medical condition. At the same time, others feel so ashamed of their condition that they prefer to suffer through it silently rather than disclose it to others for fear of being judged or ridiculed for having vertigo or appearing weak and vulnerable.

This coping method is terrible because you will never get better if you refuse to acknowledge that your vertigo has anything to do with you or your lifestyle choices. 

It's important to understand that spinning sensations often indicate an underlying problem that requires attention from a healthcare professional. For example, if you have vertigo that goes away after drinking water or lying down for a few hours, it could be due to an ear infection. On the other hand, if the symptom manifests for months with no apparent cause, then it may be time to talk to your trusted doctor about other possible causes like:

  • Head injury
  • Brain tumor
  • Stroke
  • Vestibular disorder

#2. Relying solely on medications

Anti-nausea medications make an excellent option for people looking for a quick fix. However, it's no secret that these drugs don't resolve the problem. Instead, these products mask the symptom for a few hours. This is especially true if your vertigo episodes stem from benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, Meniere's disease, or acoustic neuroma

If you have been taking drugs for your vertigo and they don't seem to be working, we recommend speaking with your doctor. You may need to switch to a new regimen or tap into alternative sources of relief, including canalith repositioning maneuvers, massage therapy, or going to a Brentwood vertigo chiropractor.

#3. Not seeking help immediately

While avoiding the problem only worsens the situation, not seeking help makes it even more complicated. Therefore, it's essential to seek help as soon as possible. This will help you avoid severe health problems and irreversible damage to your vestibular system. The sooner you seek help, the quicker you can determine what specific vertigo-causing condition you have.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

#4. Failing to avoid vertigo triggers

Vertigo attacks often occur after exposure to triggers. That's why doctors and upper cervical chiropractors like Dr. Hall always remind patients to be extra mindful of their triggers. Notably, each patient may have slightly different vertigo triggers. So, we suggest keeping track of yours. Here are a few commonly reported factors that set off a vertigo episode:

Foods containing tyramine

Tyramine is an amino acid and can be a trigger for several conditions like vestibular migraines – a type of headache that can affect one's balance perception. Hence, you might want to steer clear of tyramine-rich foods, including aged cheese, mozzarella, and meats such as pepperoni, salami, or smoked sausage. This may be heartbreaking to hear, but you may have to avoid that takeaway pizza too!

Increased anxiety levels

Anxiety does not produce vertigo by itself. However, people with conditions that result in vertigo notice worse episodes because of increased anxiety levels. This is because when your brain gets anxious, it sends signals to your body to produce more adrenaline. The surge of adrenaline causes blood vessels in the brain to tighten, reducing blood flow to the brain. Consequently, this may cause spinning sensations and dizziness.

But there's another problem. When you're anxious, your body produces vasopressin - an anti-diuretic hormone). Vasopressin tells your kidneys to reabsorb water, so it doesn't get flushed out of your system. Unfortunately, this increases pressure inside the vestibular system, causing you to experience disrupted vestibular functions. 


Dehydration is detrimental to the body and can cause vertigo symptoms to worsen. Make sure that you drink plenty of water throughout the day. Be aware of situations where you lose more water than usual, like when you work out at the gym or stay outside on a hot summer day. Insufficient hydration can disrupt several physiological processes, including your ability to maintain balance. 

So you might find it helpful to stay well-hydrated, especially during warm and humid days. Additionally, we suggest carrying a water bottle when you head out to ensure that you stay hydrated even during busy days.


How a Brentwood Vertigo Chiropractor Can Help You

A Brentwood Vertigo Chiropractor can help you with your vertigo by helping you resolve one of the possible underlying causes – postural imbalances in the neck. Case studies have long proven that if something is wrong with your neck or back, your balance organs fail to function correctly. In addition, the central nervous system also fails to receive correct signals from the vestibular organs, causing you to detect false movements.  

Thankfully, with the help of a vertigo chiropractor like Dr. Hall of Precision Spine Specialists, you can address the posture problem and help your body function smoothly. It will also help you avoid issues contributing to your balance problems, including having tensed neck muscles and unlevelled shoulders and legs. 

We encourage you to work with our Brentwood vertigo chiropractor to restore your health and resolve your vertigo. Scheduling your first appointment is easy. Call our office at 615-488-7891 or visit our website contact form and book your appointment with Dr. Shawn Hall.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Hall, call our Brentwood office at 615-488-7891 or just click the button below.

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If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com

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