All you need to know about Vestibular Migraine

vestibular migraine, migraine relief in Franklin, TN

Vestibular disorders are a common cause of migraine headaches called vestibular migraine, but the connection between the two conditions is not well understood. You might be surprised to learn that vestibular migraines affect more than just your vision. In fact, vestibular migraine symptoms can affect your hearing, balance, and even your sense of smell. So if you have been diagnosed with vestibular migraines or are searching for the most effective vestibular migraine relief in Franklin, TN, here are some things you need to know.



Vestibular migraine is a specific type of migraine that occurs when the inner ear is affected. It's also sometimes called ocular vestibulopathy and can affect your vision, balance, and even your ability to move. Vestibular migraines are the most common type of migraine.

Vestibular migraines are caused by a lot of different things, all with different symptoms:

  • A viral infection in the inner ear (such as herpes)
  • An injury to the head or neck area that affects an area called the cerebellum
  • Certain medications like birth control pills or blood pressure drugs


How Your Vestibular Disorder Leads to Migraine

Vestibular migraine, or migraine with vestibular symptoms, is a type of migraine that involves vertigo and dizziness. It's thought to be more common than you might think—and it can be difficult to diagnose.

The vestibular system is responsible for balance, spatial orientation, and the perception of movement in humans and other animals. In other words: without your vestibular system, you would be unable to walk straight or maintain balance on a surface without falling over. The vestibular system is connected directly with the inner ear (specifically the semicircular canals), which also plays an important role in motion sickness by detecting motion as well as gravity changes due to acceleration or deceleration.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Symptoms of Vestibular Migraine

Vestibular migraine is a chronic condition that causes the following symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Vertigo (dizziness)
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Tiredness
  • Anxiety
  • Depression


The diagnosis of vestibular migraine entails taking a detailed history and performing a physical exam. Your doctor may also request you to keep a headache diary for a few weeks to help identify triggers, such as certain foods or stress. If your diagnosis is uncertain, blood tests may be done in order to rule out other conditions that can be causing the symptoms.

If your doctor suspects vestibular migraine, they will likely order one or more imaging studies (such as CT scan or MRI) to confirm the diagnosis. These scans will look for any abnormalities in the brain stem or inner ear that might explain your symptoms.


Addressing and managing vestibular migraines is often a two-pronged approach: medication and therapy. Medication can help manage the symptoms of vertigo, nausea, and vomiting, although it doesn't eliminate them completely. In addition to medication, there are several non-medication methods that you can try, like the most recommended forms of vestibular migraine relief in Franklin, TN.


Natural Forms of Vestibular Migraine Relief in Franklin, TN

If you're suffering from vestibular migraine, there are plenty of natural remedies that can give you some relief. Here's what to try:

Avoid caffeine and alcohol

Both of these substances can exacerbate your symptoms by causing blood vessels in the head to dilate, which leads to more pressure being placed on nerve endings.

Get a massage

Massage therapy has been shown to reduce tension in muscles that cause pain throughout the body, including those associated with migraines and other headaches.

vestibular migraine, migraine relief in Franklin, TN

Avoidance of loud sounds and bright lights

Avoid loud noises and bright lights as much as possible during an attack—they'll only make things worse! If you're planning on spending time outside during a migraine, wear sunglasses that block UV rays since bright light does not help relieve symptoms (and can actually worsen them). If possible, stay indoors until after any vestibular migraine symptoms have passed or are at least under control so that you don't risk worsening them further by going outside when they're raging strong!

Try yoga

Yoga is known to be effective in reducing stress, which is one of the main triggers for migraines and other headaches. Taking a few minutes each day to practice some gentle stretches or even just deep breathing can also help reduce the frequency and intensity of your symptoms.

Get plenty of rest

Migraines and other headaches can make it challenging to get a good shut-eye, but it's important that you do so anyway! If you're not getting enough sleep or the quality of your sleep is poor due to frequent awakenings, try sleeping in a pitch-black room without any clocks nearby since light exposure can also trigger migraines.

Give upper cervical chiropractic a shot

Upper cervical chiropractic care is the most commonly recommended form of relief for vestibular migraines. Chiropractors provide spinal adjustments, which can help relieve the symptoms of a migraine without the side effects that medications may cause. Chiropractors also offer lifestyle advice, diet and exercise plans, and other methods of addressing the cause behind vestibular migraines by addressing imbalances in your body's nervous system.


Lasting Migraine Relief in Franklin, TN at Precision Spine Specialists

If you're suffering from vestibular migraine, it's important to get help from an experienced chiropractor. Dr. Hall and Dr. McClellan of Precision Spine Specialists are both chiropractors who help patients relieve vestibular migraines and other types of headaches and neck pain using upper cervical chiropractic. If you have questions about vestibular migraines or would like more information about how a chiropractor could help you manage your symptoms, contact them today through their online form or by calling 615 488 7891.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Hall, call our Brentwood office at 615-488-7891 or just click the button below.

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