4 Unpopular But Worse Triggers of Migraine

Patients seeking migraine relief in Brentwood TN may be puzzled about what is causing their migraines. One out of six Americans complain about migraine, and it is unlikely that all of these almost 35 million migraineurs all deal with the exact origin.

For a simplified understanding of this condition, apart from knowing that migraine may strike due to various reasons, here are important facts worth knowing:

  • This usually stems from a neurological condition
  • Less than 1 billion people of the worldwide population suffer from migraine
  • Women are three times more likely to develop migraine than men
  • Children can also develop migraine
  • Migraine has different kinds 
  • Some people may suffer from more than one type of migraine


Migraine Symptoms and Signs

Some of the usual complaints from patients who are out pursuing migraine relief in Brentwood TN are the following:

  • Severe, throbbing, and pounding headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Extreme sensitivity to light, sounds, and odors
  • Neck pain
  • Aura (typically visual symptoms) that occur within an hour before the headache phase
  • Tingling and numbness in the face, arms, or legs
  • Dizziness and vertigo


The Common Migraine Triggers

Migraine causes remain unknown to this day, so what people look at are triggers and try to work from there. These triggers are not the same for everyone and may include one of a combination of the following:

  • Prolonged screentime
  • Caffeine
  • Poor diet
  • Stress
  • Poor sleeping habits
  • Hormonal fluctuations
  • Environmental changes

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

The Unpopular But Worse Migraine Triggers

There are several published information about the known and usual migraine triggers. We will focus on the unpopular but worse ones to help more people understand this condition for this article.


Particularly trauma endured from a terror attack. It's been apparent that survivors of trauma from a terror attack develop an increased risk for migraines and other types of headaches. 

Sensitive brain cells

Experts are looking at one theory that the brains of patients with migraines are inherently more sensitive than others. Migraine tends to trigger an electric wave that spreads across the brain, leading to a release of prostaglandins, serotonin, and dilated blood vessels, which can bring out a severe headache.

Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH)

This condition happens when the brain experiences high pressure, which causes symptoms like vision changes and headaches. The term "idiopathic" means the cause isn't known, "intracranial" means in the skull, and "hypertension" means high pressure. 

Medical experts have seen migraine to be expected in idiopathic intracranial hypertension. However, the association between these two conditions remains unclear. Further studies are still being conducted to assess the prevalence of migraine headaches and associated factors in IIH patients.

IIH's cause also remains to be unknown. Still, it is believed that certain people in the population are more at risk of developing idiopathic intracranial, particularly those with smaller venous sinuses or the large veins that help drain blood out of the brain. Those with smaller venous sinuses drain blood more slowly, which increases pressure in the brain or within the skull, leading to migraine and other related health conditions.

Upper cervical misalignment

A misalignment in your upper cervical spine is not always the first thing in mind, especially for patients with migraine. But for some patients, their pursuit of migraine relief in Brentwood TN has led them to understand that upper cervical misalignment is the most significant contributing factor to their pain.

You're probably wondering why the upper cervical spine, and how does it influence migraine? Your upper cervical bones - mainly the C1 (atlas) and C2 (axis) are highly susceptible to misalignment following any injury or trauma. A traumatic event can make your neck endure more excessive stress and pressure than usual. This tension makes you move in an unusually stiff manner leading to the overstretching of your neck muscles.

Sudden jerks and movements of your neck in any direction can also cause misalignments. If any of your atlas or axis moves out of alignment, it hinders your flow. As a result, your blood cannot flow smoothly to and from the brain, which can influence migraine. Your pain perception may also be affected, especially when your brainstem becomes compressed due to the misalignment. Your brainstem is the part that sends signals from your brain to the rest of your body.


Guaranteed Gentle Chiropractic Adjustments for Migraine Relief in Brentwood TN

Precision Spine Specialists encourage you to address your migraine, especially when it becomes chronic and starts interfering with your daily routine. When you leave it unaddressed, your pain and symptoms may worsen and fully take over your life.

Over the years, we have been the go-to place for migraine relief in Brentwood TN. We specialize in the unique technique focused on upper cervical care that helps with different conditions, including migraine. For those visiting us for the first time, we guarantee that we only practice a safe and gentle method to correct the alignment of your bones to relieve you from pain and discomfort. To apply our technique, we use scientific and precise measurements designed not to add any more stress to your body.

If you're one of the thousand patients who have already tried other remedies and still have the usual migraine symptoms, we can help you. Call our chiropractic office directly at 615-488-7891 or fill out the contact form to book your appointment.

Migraine is not a part of life, so don't let it take control over you. Let us help!


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Hall, call our Brentwood office at 615-488-7891 or just click the button below.

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If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com

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7:30 – 4:30
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We utilize a gentle, precise and extremely effective approach known as Upper Cervical Care to help our patients find fast relief, maximum recovery and long-lasting results.

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1800 Mallory Lane, Suite A2
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027

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Monday:  7:30 – 5:00
Tuesday:  7:30 – 5:00
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday:  7:30– 5:00
Friday:  7:30 – 4:30
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