Roadmap to Vertigo-Free Living

vertigo in Brentwood

With the madness around us nowadays, it is easy to fall prey to confusion, mental and emotional exhaustion, and overwhelming our body with multiple tasks to maintain our routine. Sadly, all this craziness can trigger or worsen all kinds of health problems, including vertigo in Brentwood. Is your life story filled with vertigo episodes? Do you share the same experience with thousands of Americans? 

Sudden attacks of swaying and spinning sensations like vertigo can interrupt your daily routine. So, before they completely take over your life, it would help to have a roadmap to vertigo-free living.


Start By Understanding Your Vertigo-Causing Condition 

So what do you think awakened your imbalance problem in its slumber? As it turns out, several medical conditions and poor lifestyle choices can trigger a vertigo attack. That’s why, to experience relief from vertigo in Brentwood, you might need to undergo several tests, including X-ray tests, CT scans, MRI, X-rays, and ultrasound scans.

Using these tests, your doctor, chiropractic physician, or therapist can determine which among the following symptoms you have: 

  1. BPPV or the Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

The condition’s name can be quite a mouthful to say. But, essentially, it only refers to a vestibular problem that developed because of displaced otoliths in the inner ears. It can trigger a vertigo attack when you abruptly reposition your head in the wrong way or overstretch your neck muscles. 

  1. Migraine

Vertigo can occur hand in hand with silent migraine symptoms such as sensory overload, nausea, and vomiting. Unfortunately, the disorienting symptoms can recur every time you experience a migraine episode. So, it would help to know a remedy that works for both migraines and vertigo attacks.    

  1. Vestibular Neuritis and Labyrinthitis

We’re not trying to cast spells here! These twin tongue twisters simply point out that swollen nerves in our inner ear trigger vertigo as well. Notably, both types of inner ear infections can interfere with the signal transmission of your vestibular organs. Vestibular neuritis primarily affects the vestibular nerve, while labyrinthitis impacts both the nerve and labyrinth. Labyrinthitis and vestibular neuritis can fade as the infection clears, unlike most vertigo-causing conditions. So, it might help to take antibiotics or anti-viral medications.

  1. Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s disease is among the leading triggers of vertigo attacks. It’s a chronic inner ear condition that develops due to fluid imbalance in the inner ear, viral infection, or genetically acquired conditions.

  1. Head and Neck Injury

Misalignment of the upper cervical area, particularly the C1 and C2 bones, can occur after a head or neck injury. The bones can compress or irritate nearby nerves and blood vessels when this happens. Consequently, you become susceptible to increased vestibular system disturbances and vertigo attacks.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Find A Vertigo Remedy To Use

After receiving your diagnosis, the next logical step is to explore remedies like vertigo medications and upper cervical care. How many of these options are you familiar with? Which of them have you already tried? 

If you’re not sure which remedy you should try first, we strongly recommend considering the underlying cause of your spinning sensations. For example, if you have a neck or head injury history, you can try upper cervical chiropractic to relieve your vertigo in Brentwood. On the one hand, if you suspect having an inner ear infection, you might find it helpful to take medications to fight off the bacteria or virus.

Let’s help you pinpoint the best source of vertigo relief with our list of management tips and alternative remedies:   

Practice safety when working 

Having vertigo-causing conditions might require you to deal with frequent and sudden attacks. So, it’s essential to give your employers a heads up so you can avoid untoward incidents while operating machinery, driving, and performing other tasks involving many movements.

Avoid sudden head movements

If you get diagnosed with BPPV, you should avoid making sudden head movements. For example, when you wake up from a long sleep, it would help if you slowly tilt your head instead of immediately standing up or rolling on the other side.

Don’t overdo your exercises

Physical overexertion can sometimes trigger worse problems like motion sickness and a sense of being out of balance. So, it’s good practice to exercise according to your condition and overall well-being. We also strongly recommend engaging in low-impact activities like walking, swimming, and stationary biking instead of high-impact and rigorous exercises. 

Try essential oils

Although studies have yet to fully understand the effectiveness of essential oils for relieving vertigo in Brentwood, many patients use them to cope. Notably, essential oils like peppermint, lavender, and ginger can relieve menstrual pain and accompanying symptoms like vertigo and dizziness. If you’re not keen on using these oils, you can tap into other variations like orange and lemon oil.

Receive upper cervical care

Vertigo Brentwood chiropractors are no stranger to meeting patients with vertigo because of upper cervical misalignment. Notably, off-centered C1 and C2 neck bones can compress and irritate essential nerves and veins. They can also interrupt signal transmission from the vestibular organs to the brain, causing you to detect confusing information about your head’s movements or orientation.  

Common symptoms of upper cervical misalignment include tingling and numbing of the lower extremities, imbalance sensation, dizziness, fainting or syncope, headache, and vertigo. If you experience these symptoms, we advise consulting with your primary doctor or one of our chiropractors for proper assessment.


Relieve Vertigo in Brentwood with Neck Chiropractic Adjustments

If you think you have misaligned the upper cervical bones or have a history of neck trauma or injuries, we strongly recommend visiting the Precision Spine Specialists. Our upper cervical doctors can help you address postural imbalances and relieve your vertigo-causing conditions. 

Guided by our thorough assessment of your C1 and C2 neck bones, your gait, hip and shoulder levels and range of motion, we can provide helpful chiropractic adjustments.

Are you ready to seek one of the finest alternative remedies for vertigo-causing health issues? Feel free to contact us at Precision Spine Specialists. You can also drop us a line at 615-488-7891 or drive to our clinic at 1800 Mallory Lane, Suite A2 Brentwood, Tennessee 37027. Our doors are open from 7:30 to 5 pm on weekdays except Wednesdays.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Hall, call our Brentwood office at 615-488-7891 or just click the button below.

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If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at

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We utilize a gentle, precise and extremely effective approach known as Upper Cervical Care to help our patients find fast relief, maximum recovery and long-lasting results.

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Brentwood, Tennessee 37027

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